Saturday, May 17, 2014

playing the flute

I am currently working on this painting. I have not seen this subject. It  is from my imagination. At this time I seem to be interested in painting young girls in various activities,As the mother of two daughters I suppose they are my inspiration.  This work is being done in oil and acrylics with heavy texture. I did not plan the painting in advance. I just add and subtract  until I see something that pleases me.

Monday, May 12, 2014

cactus and wrens

The cactus plants will soon bloom here in Texas. I painted this a few years ago. The bloosomes are lovely and fragile, almost transparent looking. There are cactus plants in a park nearby and when I see the blooms I will be out there sketching them again. I included 2 wrens because they are always coming to the patio outside my studio door. I like to watch them go in and out of my ferns and hanging  baskets looking for insects.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Madonna and child

The bottom painting is one I reworked. over the top painting. The top painting was probably completed in the 80's and is rather dark. She is an artist mother with her books and brushes carrying her art bag over her shoulder. Layering more paint on top of her I changed the painting into a lighter painting and made it a little more whimsical with animals and birds. It was  just a fun thing I enjoyed doing.