Friday, January 31, 2014


A few years ago while waiting to go on a cruise  I sketched these pelicans from the balcony of a hotel overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. As this is the state bird of Louisiana and that is where I am from I was thrilled to see these birds once again. I observed them up close and watched them as they seemed to glide miles out into the Gulf until I could not see them Amazingly I watched  the small figures out there  return as they came closer and closer to me. It may seem a little far fetched of me to think of them resembling pterodactyls but they do.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


When I am in an area where there are ponds, canals  or bayous I look for turtles that are sunning on logs I think turtles are amazing creatures. I think of when as a little child we could buy those tiny creatures in a 5 and 10 cent store such a s Woolworths. It was fun to have them as pets.The picture of this painting is a little dark and a white spot seems to have covered the sky. I use a cell phone camera so what can I expect. . If you touch the mouse over the picture you may be able to see it a little clearer. I am not much on painting  landscapes. I prefer to have people or animals part of it.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Years ago I worked in a studio in the Historic Stock Yards in Ft. Worth. I always love this particular corner  on Main Street. I thought it truly represents the heart of the stock yards. I like the architecture in that area. It is so authentic of the old  Western cities Much to my dismay the  guy on the long horn actually rode this animal down the street.I was always afraid of horses and cattle roaming around. The police were on horses also.  Tourist would have their picture taken sitting on the long horn.As you can see by the huge boot sign this business made and sold boots.

Friday, January 24, 2014

grackles 2

Here I go again painting those grackles that are so prevalent in our area this time of year. I mostly see them at sunset, hundreds of them flying around  and sitting on buildings and wires. I never really plan my paintings in advance. I just move intuitively across the canvas relating one object to another. As I was sitting by my easel staring at the canvas, I do stare a lot,  wondering what do I do next I began telling myself a story about the birds. What are they saying to one another? My son came over and looked at the painting and told me his  idea about the story the birds are telling. It made me wonder how many  viewers have different stories to tell than ours.  Well I am not quite finished with this painting but it shows I am working on  the 7 paintings I said were on the easel.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fan Mail

I have been busy today reading my fan mail. Ha, ha! 2 little girls in a writing drawing class sent notes to me telling me how much they love my books. They said they are my biggest fans. The notes were very sweet. They also included drawings they did in class, one of which is shown above. In this drawing King Rob said" thank you for drawing me." I love it and will keep and cherish these notes from my biggest fans.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

jazz brunch at Commanders

Jazz Brunch at Commanders Palace - oil on canvas 36" X 48"
When I return for a visit to my hometown I love to eat in one of my favorite restaurants, Commanders Palace in the Garden District.  This restaurant has been in New Orleans since 1880.This painting was painted after enjoying a fun jazz brunch with friends. When it was time to leave waiters escorted us out of the restaurant with 50 balloons, hanging them  out of the car window, to flow overhead as we drove down the street. A great welcome for a returning New Orleanian.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Faith, hope and love inspired by 1st. Corinthians 13

As I mentioned in a previous post I have been working on 7 canvases. Just to prove I am I decided to post 3 of them. So I am working and not goofing off. I have a lot more to do on these pieces. Right now I am thinking they are a little bit too busy. the angels are holding objects that  represent  faith, hope and love, a theme I have been inspired to do from chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians in the New Testament.. I am thinking of taking away some of the color and adding collage. We will eventually see what happens.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I have about 7 canvases started sitting on my easel. Can't seem to finish one. Maybe I just need to focus on one and finish it. I am working on 3 paintings that pertain to 1 Corinthians 13.. The paintings are faith, hope and love. Another painting is an old familiar theme with me, that is, the grackle birds that are so prevalent in our area. Other paintings are irises, pansies, and a mother and child. So hopefully I will be posting one of these canvases soon.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

tree sketches and thoughts

It has been terribly cold in Texas this winter. I have not been outdoors sketching the trees as I usually do in January. I love sketching the trees after the leaves have fallen. I also love to see the bare trees dark, almost black against a cloudy sky. They are so beautiful, the many tiny branches like little fingers reaching up into the sky. Here I have posted an old sketch, one of many, from a sketchbook from several years ago.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Rose in blue bottle

What can I say? It is a rose in a blue bottle. The blue bottle is one of my very favorite subjects to sketch and paint. I love the color. It is a small bottle. Going through old sketch books I came across this picture that I did in pencil. The rose grew in my garden.  So I was searching for a subject and thought this rose bottle thing would look  pretty good in color. . The canvas size is 10" x 8". I painted this in acrylic and with a painting knife. I love the painting knife as details cannot be achieved with the knife, therefore the painting is a little looser.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rusty celebrates a New Year.

Rusty and I were up to 12 o'clock watching the clock and waiting for the year 2014 to arrive.
Here we are  wishing all our  blog friends a happy New Year. May 2014 bring you much joy,  good  health, prosperity and many many blessings.