Saturday, June 21, 2014

they are blooming

they are blooming
I love the roses that bloom in my garden. These were painted outdoors when they were blooming profusely.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cynthia's shoes

I called this Cynthia's shoes because I did a series of my daughters shoes. I went into her closet and selected a few shoes to take home to paint. These shoes had a cluster of stones attached over the toe section. I had been collecting fake diamonds from greeting cards, old necklaces to recycle on a painting. I knew I could fit them in somewhere and when I saw these shoes I knew exactly where the stones would fit. Cynthia  has a lot of fun shoes and although I painted 5 of them I may have to go into her closet again and see what's new..

Monday, June 16, 2014

sketching in the mall

Sometimes I like to take my sketch book with me and sketch people in restaurants, parks, etc. I am a little uncomfortable doing this as people will come up to me to see what I am doing. I don't exactly like to sketch them in detail but it is mostly their  activity that I am sketching.  Once on the plaza in Taos, New Mexico I saw an older couple seated on a bench and they were eating ice cream. Behind them  was a statute and I thought this would be an interesting sketch. Well no matter how I tried to hide my sketchbook they suspected what I was doing.I thought they would think I was writing a letter.  The lady came over and asked to see the sketch. I did show it to her although I had hoped she would understand I was not trying to draw them in detail. She seemed to appreciate my effort. The sketch above was in the mall.I just roam around the mall looking for something that would interest me.  I loved this  store window and the figures standing in it. I loved their trendy clothes. I did several other sketches of figures and their clothing thinking this might be a great painting with maybe a young woman standing outside the store looking in the window.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Leddy's Boot Store in Stockyards

My muse is giving me trouble. I haven't seen my muse around for a month or so so that is why I have not been posting. my art work. I never have trouble finding a subject to paint. In facet there are 4 paintings I have started and can't seem to finish. We have had some illness in our family and my concentration has been with the children. So all is settled down now but it will take a while for me to direct my thoughts on my art work. I tried to work today but nothing came out to my satisfaction. I suppose these things happen. Well I have been thinking about my blog and thought I would just post something from the past. This is a scene from the days I painted in a studio in the historic stockyards, Ft. Worth Texas. This was about 10 years ago.So keep on looking for my new art work and one of these day I may surprise you with a new painting.