Friday, August 29, 2014

Sun flowers in a Blue Vase

Today I received the note cards I ordered of this painting. Color Simulation Services is the company I use. These guys do a beautiful job. Email is a great way to communicate with friends and family but I like to on special occasions  send a pretty note card with my message.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Look what I found in our attic, It is an old painting and it is covered with dirt and grime in the fabric.The
 left side of the painting is dark And the leaves are not as colorful as they should be.  Now I have to figure out how to clean it. I painted about 8 paintings of magnolias when I lived in Louisiana as magnolias  are the state flower. It seems I just have to think magnolias and I can smell their lovely scent.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hollyhocks and gate

Love the Santa Fe adobe buildings and the wonderful interesting gates. Here I added hollyhocks, a familiar flower seen around the area.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Taos Church

Once again I am posting a painting I did of a  New Mexico scene. Georgia  O'Keefe painted the back of this Church and I don't think I or anyone else could paint it better, i love her painting of this Church from the back. So I decided to paint it from the entrance or front. It is oil on canvas size 24 X 18"

Friday, August 8, 2014

blue bonnets in clay pot

Blue bonnets are the state flower of Texas. Paintings of blue bonnets are usually of fields of the flower. It is an amzing sight to see. I chose to plant some in a clay pot and paint a still life of the subject.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Storm over Santa Fe

This is a memory picture of our visit to Santa Fe. We returned  to our hotel after  an  afternoon of site seeing.When I left the car the wind was blowing so strong I wondered if I could stand against it.The rain was coming down so hard I was getting drenched.As  I arrived at the door  I pulled on the door and it would not open. A man came along and he was pulling at the door. Then my husband came after parking the car and all three of us could not get in and we were getting soaked by the rain. The people inside the building came to the door and tried to help. Eventually the door opened and we were in safely, but drenched with rain water. I love Santa Fe. It is one of my very favorite cities along with Taos, New Mexico. The architecture, mountains, landscapes  and culture,  so  beautiful.