Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mother and Child

As I am working on new paintings I will post an old one I did years ago. Currently I have 5 paintings on my easel and maybe I should focus on finishing one. Again this one is one in a series I did inspired by the book of Solomon in the Old Testament. Song of Solomon 2:11, 12. "Behold , The winter is past; the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth, the time for singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."

Saturday, October 19, 2013

5 minus 3 equals ???

On my easel painting of  2 tomatoes left from the original 5.Could not resist painting these this afternoon. Love the smell of the vine the 5 were on before cutting 3 of them for salad. This was a quick study using a painting knife. Love the feel of the painting knife smearing the thick paint around. Great fun!

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Maya Angelou

on my easel roses

The weather is getting cooler and my roses are starting to bloom again. The 100 degree plus temperatures during the summer were  not favorable to the growth of these beautiful fragrant flowers. This is a painting of the roses that was painted outdoors. I love to paint flowers the way they grow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Musical Mousetronauts

The children's book I illustrated is off to the publisher and should be available in November.
This is the third book illustrating the adventures of some musical mice. In  this book the mice journey to the moon. I am very thankful to author Deneen Kirsch Gambrell for giving me this opportunity to expand my artistic talents,  painting these musical mice through many  exciting fantasy journeys. The book will be available on Amazon. When published signed copies will be available on this blog.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

                                                        Renaissance Madonna

Years ago while studying Northern Renaissance art I decided to paint a modern day  Madonna, a
young girl, no doubt an artist. She is carrying her satchel with brushes, a Renaissance art book and probably many more art supplies in the bottom of her bag. Besides being a loving  mother she is pursuing her passion ART!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Santos and Bird of Paradise

This painting was completed some time ago and decided to post it as I continue to work on more current canvases. As I am not good at photography you can see I tried to take the photo outdoors and some of the grass shows. The wood carved figure or Santos came from the Philippines. I found it in a Sears store in a box among others that the ad claimed  were dug up there I dug through the box and settled on this fellow. . It  is  probably a religious figure but I thought of it as a piece of art. I liked the lines of the figure, the hat he wears and the fact he looked like a man of prayer. I like the colors in the painting and that it appears a little impressionistic.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


                                                       Oil on Canvas  12" X 12"

Sunflowers are a favorite of many people  including me. At our anniversary party we had vases of sunflowers on all the tables. We gave away sunflowers and we brought dozens of them home. For several days I painted sunflowers, ending up with 7 canvases filled with bright yellow flowers of varying compositions.

The quote below is a favorite of mine and  was credited to Helen Keller:
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. That's what sunflowers do"
If anyone is interested in obtaining this painting contact me at

Monday, October 7, 2013


While attending a Native American event at the Arlington Convention Center a few years ago I photographed these young girls waiting their turn to dance. They were discussing their routine.There were many dancers in colorful costumes.        
It was a wonderful  event to attend. Beside the dancing there  were many artists selling beautiful  jewelry they had made and many well known artists selling their paintings.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

memory sketch

Often I will see a subject I would like to sketch. While waiting my turn at the hair dresser's I observed this lady seated  under lights getting her hair high lighted or streaked, what ever the current name trend. I did not have a sketchbook or pencil with me. That will teach me. I should have it with me at all times. Yet I don't like to sketch people without their consent as I think of it as intrusive .It matters not who she is or her name. I thought it was an interesting composition of weird objects hovering over her and attempted to memorize her position so that when I returned home I would do a memory sketch. Memory  sketches can be a challenge and I enjoy doing them. I was able to watch her as she was working on  her cell phone and really not moving around much. It is just a simple sketch of pencil and acrylics. I have concluded it would be fun to do a series of hair dresser sketches.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


                                                        White Iris - Oil on Canvas

                   This was a painting I did  years ago and I no longer have it. But recently I have started a new iris painting  as irises are a favorite of mine and grow in my backyard. Currently I have 4 paintings on my easel. When I get bored with one painting I move on to another. Three of my paintings are themes I have chosen from 1 Corinthians 13. This chapter in the Bible is very beautiful. I am painting on all 3 canvases trying to tie them together or unify them.